
Job Description for EUTA Secretary General

The European Tech Alliance ( EUTA) brings together and gives voice to the most exciting homegrown European tech companies across business models, member states and sectors. The EUTA’s objective is to create a better future for Europe through technology and based on shared EU values. The EUTA has since its

Quote by the EUTA Chair on the DMA

An overly broad scope of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) risks catching companies that are not gatekeepers. We support an effective DMA, targeted at the handful of systemic gatekeepers, and which does not undermine the ability of European tech companies to compete in today’s global economy. Read the full quote

European Tech Alliance Position for DSA Trilogues

The EUTA fully supports the EU’s objective to curb the availability of illegal content, products or services online. The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a long, detailed piece of EU legislation which assigns obligations to digital actors. The proposed regulation clarifies obligations and will ultimately create trust for consumers online.

Statement by the European Tech Alliance on the DMA

The EUTA welcomes the launch of the inter-institutional negotiations on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the ambitious legislative timetable put forward by the co-legislators. Achieving progress on the DMA is essential to promote competition, consumer choice and innovation in digital markets dominated by large gatekeepers. Once again, the EU

Statement by the European Tech Alliance on DSA Plenary Vote

Ahead of the European Parliament’s plenary vote on the DSA this week, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) would like to stress three key points: Firstly, the EUTA continues to strongly support the DSA’s objectives of preventing and limiting the availability of illegal content, goods or services. Creating a safe online

State of European Tech 2021

A year of growth and success for European tech Following a dip for European tech in 2020, this year has been one of growth and improvement. In fact, the State of European Tech Report, which gives an overview of the tech sector’s state of play in Europe, has positioned 2021

EUTA Statement following the final DSA vote in the IMCO Committee

Following the vote today on the Digital Services Act, in the Internal Market and Consumer Affairs Committee (IMCO) of the European Parliament,  Magdalena Piech, Chair of the European Tech Alliance said: “European tech companies stand strongly behind the DSA. It will limit and prevent the availability of illegal content, products

EUTA CEO Forum 2021

CEOs of leading European tech companies meet lawmakers in Brussels, discuss pressing challenges for the sector and call for regulations that support continued growth BRUSSELS, 8 December 2021 – Today, the European Tech Alliance gathered ten of its member CEOs to discuss with EU policymakers the pressing challenges, opportunities and

EUTA Position on the Artificial Intelligence Act

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has published its Position on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), which can be found below. The EUTA welcomes the European Commission’s risk-based approach to AI regulation, with its focus on high risk applications. It is vital that the AIA avoids a fragmented approach across Europe

Position on the European Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Act proposal

As outlined in our initial reaction to the Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) proposal, we welcome the Commission’s risk-based approach to the future of AI regulation, and we believe that a focus on high-risk AI applications strikes the right balance between safety and innovation. As the EUTA represents a great

EUTA: The DMA must get definitions right to fulfill its objective

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) is very concerned about the latest proposals to define “active end users” in the context of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The very broad definition of users for online intermediation services, a category which covers very different business models, including online marketplaces and any other