2030 Vision

1. European Tech for European competitiveness

A European strategy for tech: It’s time for the EU to boost European tech with a strategy that empowers European digital companies to grow and use new innovation tools to deliver the best services and products, including personalised experiences to their users. European tech companies are valuable assets for Europe. They deserve support and nurturing.

Adopt an EU lens: Today, there is regulatory fragmentation. We still deal with 27 national markets in practice, including for market assessment in competition law. A European approach and more harmonisation would facilitate the growth of European champions at global, national and regional level.

Bring in European voices: EU tech should by default have a seat at the table when proposed rules, often designed for a few global players, disproportionately affect their ability to provide the best services, products, and experience to users.

2. Smart Rules for a Stronger Europe

Give time for enforcement, then properly assess: The digital world is a fully regulated sector with a wide range of new and updated rules. The EU should allow for existing rules to take effect and make a thorough assessment of these rules, before introducing new regulations in the same areas.

Laws should fit together like puzzle pieces, not be a messy patchwork: European, national, and regional measures should complement each other, not clash or duplicate efforts. EU countries should not add extra rules on top of EU regulations. When developing new EU rules or reviewing existing ones, we should get rid of old laws to prevent an ever-growing pyramid of regulations.

Take a problem-based, tailored approach: Where EU rules are needed, policymakers should focus on concrete problems and be mindful of different tech business models. Rules should address problems with specific business models instead of a one-size-fits all approach or dictating specific product designs. Any proposed solution should also be proportionate to the problem identified.

3. Better enforcement for fairer competition

Ensure fair competition: European companies need a level playing field to grow and compete. For this, we need strong and consistent enforcement of recently adopted EU laws and a tough stance on any company, large or small, trying to circumvent EU rules.

Same rules, same interpretation, and coherent enforcement: Fragmented interpretation causes legal uncertainty, competition distortions and 27 rules instead of one. European businesses need a clear and predictable legal framework to grow, innovate and compete with global players coming from larger or more homogenous home markets.

Work together and not in silos: Encourage cooperation among national authorities (e.g. consumer, competition, data protection), as well as among Member States and with the EU to ensure consistent enforcement of rules. Working in silos must be avoided, and best practices shared.

Give authorities the right resources: European and national authorities must invest the proper resources such as people, time, and technical expertise, for effective and pragmatic enforcement. Authorities should also consider working with external stakeholders such as businesses, to be aware of the latest innovative products (e.g. regulatory sandboxes).

Ensure an independent enforcer: Now that the Commission takes on the role of rule enforcer, it’s of paramount importance to place a strong focus on independence. Enforcement must be kept separate from political interests.

Partner with European tech for tomorrow’s digital vision.

For further inquiries, please contact our Secretary General, Victoria de Posson: victoria@eutechalliance.eu