Data and privacy

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) supports harmonised rules unlocking the potential of data in Europe. We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to ensure fairness in the digital environment, stimulate a competitive data market, and open up opportunities for data-driven innovation.

The European data economy should reach its potential, in compliance with European rules including data protection and privacy laws and fully respecting European values. Europe’s data economy should support businesses’ competitiveness by allowing them to offer personalised products and services and by ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights.

Protecting users’ personal data and unlocking data driven innovation: Maintain the GDPR by adopting a more consistent and risk-based interpretation

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding user personal data and fostering innovation are paramount. While the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is often presented as the EU’s golden rule, its interpretation is, at times, too rigid, departing from the intention and the spirit of the law. Europe needs robust data protection that coexists with a strong innovation landscape. To achieve this, we believe it is important to allow a risk-based interpretation of the GDPR, applied consistently across Europe. The GDPR is still fit for purpose – it is rather the interpretation of the text and provisions that needs to be reconsidered in enforcement. By doing so, we can protect users’ privacy rights while encouraging the development of cutting-edge solutions. 

GDPR: EUTA provides feedback to the European Commission

Today, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) provided feedback to the European Commission on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In its contribution, EUTA mentioned that despite GDPR’s ambition to ensure a harmonised EU application, diverging interpretations by national data protection authorities across the EU create legal uncertainty. Companies face high

Data Act: Rushed Adoption Will Likely Harm Implementation

BRUSSELS, 28 JUNE 2023 – Late last night, European Union negotiators reached a “provisional political agreement” on the Data Act. This compromise between the European Parliament, the Commission, and the Council of Ministers paves the way for formal adoption of the regulation. The Data Act aims to harmonise rules unlocking