Data Act: Rushed Adoption Will Likely Harm Implementation

BRUSSELS, 28 JUNE 2023 – Late last night, European Union negotiators reached a “provisional political agreement” on the Data Act. This compromise between the European Parliament, the Commission, and the Council of Ministers paves the way for formal adoption of the regulation.

The Data Act aims to harmonise rules unlocking the potential of data in Europe. 

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has continuously supported the overall objectives of the Data Act, such as ensuring fairness in the digital environment, stimulating a competitive data market, and opening up opportunities for data-driven innovation. 

However, the EUTA regrets that in the process to come to a final agreement on the Data Act, speed was put before clarity, which results in ambiguous definitions and a lack of legal consistency throughout the final text. We believe these shortcomings put a swift and uncomplicated implementation of the Data Act in danger. We anticipate lengthy discussions about the interpretation of the rules, thereby preventing the Data Act from benefiting consumers and businesses the way it was intended. 

In this regard, the EUTA calls on the Commission to take an active role in the implementation of the Data Act, working alongside stakeholders to address and mitigate any complications and difficulties that may arise.  

The following can be attributed to EUTA Secretary General, Victoria de Posson:

“The EUTA recognises the hard work of EU policy-makers to reach this landmark agreement and appreciates the efforts to empower users of connected products to profit from enhanced data based services.”

“To make sure the Data Act is fit for its purpose, European tech companies have constantly stressed the need for a fair and balanced Data Act. The EUTA asked for clear definitions on key terms, better alignment with GDPR and protection of IP rights, safeguards for businesses when sharing data with governments and proportionate interoperability requirements. The failure to sufficiently address these concerns will make it cumbersome for companies to comply with the rules in practice, which will, in turn make it more difficult for European companies to benefit from a competitive data market.”



About the EUTA

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) brings together and gives voice to the most exciting homegrown European tech companies across business models, member states and sectors.

Our objective is to create a better future for Europe through technology and based on shared EU values: we aim to contribute to our local economies and build a sustainable, greener, innovative and inclusive Europe for future generations.

Our track record of success highlights the recent growth and potential of the EU’s digital economy. With the right legal framework and policies that enable innovation and fair competition for all players, Europe can continue to prosper and produce more global European digital champions in the future.

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For media inquiries, please contact:

Elizabeth Wallis, EUTA Secretariat
Phone: +32 2 235 29 97