EUTA Position on the Artificial Intelligence Act

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has published its Position on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), which can be found below. The EUTA welcomes the European Commission’s risk-based approach to AI regulation, with its focus on high risk applications. It is vital that the AIA avoids a fragmented approach across Europe and strikes a balance between […]

EUTA: The DMA must get definitions right to fulfill its objective

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) is very concerned about the latest proposals to define “active end users” in the context of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The very broad definition of users for online intermediation services, a category which covers very different business models, including online marketplaces and any other actor in ecommerce (whether goods, […]

EUTA Welcomes the General Product Safety Regulation Proposal

Today, the EUTA welcomes the new proposal for a Regulation on General Product Safety (GPSR), which aims at strengthening consumer protection by ensuring that only safe products are sold on the EU internal market. The proposal creates a modernised safety net for harmonised and non-harmonised products and more consistency within the EU in the way […]

The EUTA calls on policy-makers to ensure a targeted scope for the DMA

The EUTA calls on policy-makers to ensure a targeted scope for the DMA As discussions are swiftly moving ahead in the European Parliament and Council, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) wants to reaffirm its support for the Digital Markets Act (DMA) proposal but also to reiterate its call to keep a targeted scope. The DMA […]

AI | EUTA Reaction to Commission’s Artificial Intelligence Act proposal

The European Tech Alliance welcomes the European Commission’s proposed AI Act as a good balance between supporting much needed AI innovation in Europe and having safeguards in place to ensure high safety standards and public trust in AI. We welcome the EU’s leadership in creating an AI regulatory framework while supporting Europe’s global competitiveness in […]

DMA | EUTA Reaction to Commission’s Digital Markets Act proposal

The EUTA welcomes the Digital Markets Act (DMA) as an important initiative to ensure fair and contestable digital markets. We greatly appreciate the work undertaken by the European Commission over the last year, including consultations with industry representatives, and look forward to working with the European Parliament and Council on the proposal. We support the […]

DSA | EUTA Reaction to Commission’s Digital Services Act proposal

The EUTA welcomes the Digital Services Act (DSA) as an important opportunity to address illegal content online, but also to clarify and harmonise certain aspects of EU law regarding digital services. We are committed to fulfilling our obligations and are keen to engage with EU stakeholders to foster a safer and more secure online environment, […]

EUTA Position on Ex-Ante Rules

The EUTA welcomes the European Commission’s objective to address competition issues that have emerged in the European market. We believe that new ex-ante rules should complement existing competition law in order to provide fast and effective relief from widespread and unfair practices emerging from specific online platforms acting as gatekeepers. These new rules should also […]

EUTA Position on the Digital Services Act

[spb_boxed_content type=”coloured” box_link_target=”_self” padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] EUTA Position on the Digital Services Act Today, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has published its Position on the Future eCommerce Framework (‘Digital Services Act’), which can be found below. The EUTA welcomes the opportunity to clarify the e-Commerce Directive with a view to promoting the growth of […]