EUTA signs joint industry statement on access to data by public bodies in the Data Act

With 26 other organisations, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has cosigned a joint industry letter expressing concern regarding Chapter V of the Data Act, where public bodies can request data for any reason.  The signatories believe that with such broad scope, these rules do not respect the requirements set out in the EU’s Charter of […]

EUTA gets to the next level

  BRUSSELS 23 MARCH 2023 – The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has taken a significant step forward in its mission to drive the growth and success of the European tech industry. Over the last two days, thirteen EU Tech CEOs met with EU policy leaders to discuss how to propel EU tech companies to the […]

Data Act: Five things that EU policymakers should get right

European digital champions and scaleups are eager to take advantage of the Data Act’s potential to offer innovative services for both businesses and consumers. To make this happen, the Data Act needs to get the basics right.  The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) gathers digital successful companies built across Europe, with a total of 29 companies […]

eCommerce: Who is responsible for the information that consumers see online?

As consumers, we are all familiar with the challenges of knowing whether the information presented next to goods or services we want to buy is true.  Is this 100% organic  cotton t-shirt really organic? Is that aubergine pesticide-free? In today’s world, policymakers are working to shape the rules that determine who is responsible for providing […]

e-Commerce: Who do consumers buy from?

Getting confused about what a “platform” is when shopping online? With so many different players in the game, it’s no wonder that consumers and policymakers alike are struggling to keep up. In this blog, I explain the different business models that prevail in e-commerce and clarify how they differ from one another. This post primarily […]

Digital Fairness: EUTA contribution to the European Commission’s Consultation

As the European Commission is assessing European Union (EU) consumer law on digital fairness, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) very respectfully shares some recommendations through the European Commission’s consultation on EU consumer law on digital fairness. We invite the European Commission to:   Apply targeted rules to companies interacting with EU consumers  Allow time for effective […]

The EUTA signs joint industry statement on the Data Act

On 1 February 2023, the EUTA co-signed a statement on the Data Act, alongside 29 other trade associations across-sectors, inviting EU policymakers to take sufficient time to preserve European innovation and competitiveness. European digital champions and scaleups are eager to take advantage of the Data Act’s potential to offer innovative services for both businesses and […]