Position Paper on the Artificial Intelligence Act Ahead of Trilogue Negotiations

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) fully supports the Artificial Intelligence Act’s (AIA) objective of promoting artificial intelligence (AI) innovation while mitigating the negative impact of “high
risk AI”. EU tech companies should be encouraged to develop and use innovative AI models to compete with global players and foster EU competitiveness. Adopting a risk-based approach to
regulating AI is crucial in striking this balance between innovation and users’ protection. To
avoid hindering European innovation, AI regulation should not focus on the technology per se,
but only on outcomes and use cases which could pose a significant risk.

As the Council of the EU and the European Parliament have considered the European
Commission’s proposal and adopted their positions, the EUTA would like to share its views on
the respective texts ahead of the trilogue negotiations.

Read our position paper to find out more.