Milestone joins the EUTA

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) continues to grow and welcomes Milestone Systems, one of the world’s leading companies in data driven video technology.

EUTA engages with European Parliament to strengthen Europe’s tech competitiveness

Today, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) made significant strides in advocating for the growth and competitiveness of Europe’s tech industry. Eleven CEOs from leading EU tech companies met with key Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from the European People’s Party (EPP), Renew Europe, and the Greens to discuss critical challenges facing the sector.

Protecting users’ personal data and unlocking data driven innovation: Maintain the GDPR by adopting a more consistent and risk-based interpretation

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding user personal data and fostering innovation are paramount. While the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is often presented as the EU’s golden rule, its interpretation is, at times, too rigid, departing from the intention and the spirit of the law. Europe needs robust data protection that coexists with a strong innovation landscape. To achieve this, we believe it is important to allow a risk-based interpretation of the GDPR, applied consistently across Europe. The GDPR is still fit for purpose – it is rather the interpretation of the text and provisions that needs to be reconsidered in enforcement. By doing so, we can protect users’ privacy rights while encouraging the development of cutting-edge solutions. 

EUTA meets Dutch officials in The Hague

The European Tech Alliance recently convened in The Hague to discuss Europe’s competitiveness and how its tech companies can thrive both within the EU single market and in the global arena. Our delegation met with officials from the Ministry of Economy and Interior, the competition authority, members of the Dutch Parliament, and the Dutch tech community.

EUTA meets Spanish officials in Madrid

Over the last two days, the European Tech Alliance convened in Madrid, Spain, to discuss strategies for unlocking European tech leadership both domestically and internationally, and ensuring Europe’s sustained competitiveness in the global market.  We met with the Presidency, the Ministry for Digitalisation, Economy, Internal Market, and Foreign Affairs, as well as members of the Spanish Parliament and the Councillor for Digitalisation of the Regional Government of Madrid. Additionally, we engaged with the vibrant Spanish tech community.

EUTA meets Danish officials in Copenhagen

Over the last two days, EUTA and its members convened with officials in Copenhagen, Denmark, to advance discussions on Europe’s digital agenda leading up to 2030.

We met with the Danish Tech Ambassador, officials from the Ministry of Digital Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, members of the Danish Parliament, and the Danish tech community.

EUTA meets with Polish officials in Warsaw 

This week, EUTA and its members convened with key German officials in Berlin. The meeting focused on EUTA’s vision for Europe’s 2030 digital policy. Discussions were held on how to unlock European tech companies’ potential at home and on the global stage.