EUTA meets with Polish officials in Warsaw 

This week, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) was in Warsaw to meet with Polish officials in preparation for the upcoming Polish Presidency of the EU (H1 2024) and to present its vision for Europe’s 2030 digital policy.

We engaged with ministers responsible for digital affairs, technology and innovation, finance, consumer protection, and competition, as well as officials working on EU digital policy. Our key takeaways are:

Europe’s Competitiveness:

  1. Strategy for European tech scale-ups: The EU must develop a strategy to empower European digital companies to grow and innovate.
  2. Creating a real data economy: Efforts should be made to establish standards that enable EU companies to reuse data while respecting privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Enhancing talent attraction and retention: The EU should implement a comprehensive plan to attract and retain top tech talent, fostering innovation within the technology ecosystem.

Smart rules for a stronger Europe:

  1. Allow time for enforcement and proper assessment: The EU should let existing rules take effect and thoroughly assess their impact before introducing new regulations. Comprehensive impact assessments by the European Commission and co-legislators are crucial.
  2. Make law fit like puzzle pieces, not a patchwork: European, national, and regional measures should fit together rather than overlap or conflict. EU countries should avoid adding extra rules on top of EU regulations.
  3. Problem-based, tailored approach: Policymakers should focus on specific problems and different tech business models instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.

Better enforcement:

  1. Consistent rules and interpretation: Closer collaboration among national authorities responsible for digital issues is needed. Establishing a network or an innovation officer/unit within all enforcing authorities could ensure coherence in the digital environment.
  2. Adequate resources for authorities: European and national authorities must invest in sufficient resources, including personnel, time, and technical expertise, for effective enforcement.

Find out more about EUTA’s vision for Europe’s 2030 digital policy here.

About the European Tech Alliance 

EUTA represents leading European tech companies that provide innovative products and services to 500 million users. Our 30 EUTA member companies from 16 European countries are popular and have earned the trust of consumers. As companies born and bred in Europe, for whom the EU is a crucial market, we have a deep commitment to European citizens and values.

With the right conditions, our companies can strengthen Europe’s resilience and technological autonomy, protect and empower users online, and promote Europe’s values of transparency, rule of law and innovation to the rest of the world.

The EUTA calls for boosting Europe’s tech competitiveness by having an ambitious EU tech strategy to overcome growth obstacles, making a political commitment to clear, targeted and risk-based rules, and enforcing rules consistently to match the globalised market we are in.

For media inquiries, please contact:Victoria de Posson, EUTA Secretary General
Phone: +32 476 25 08 16