
The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) fully supports the EU’s green transition ambitions. As European tech companies, we share the view that a circular and green EU economy can enhance Europe’s competitiveness in today’s challenging global environment.

eCommerce: Who is responsible for the information that consumers see online?

As consumers, we are all familiar with the challenges of knowing whether the information presented next to goods or services we want to buy is true.  Is this 100% organic  cotton t-shirt really organic? Is that aubergine pesticide-free? In today’s world, policymakers are working to shape the rules that determine

e-Commerce: Who do consumers buy from?

Getting confused about what a “platform” is when shopping online? With so many different players in the game, it’s no wonder that consumers and policymakers alike are struggling to keep up. In this blog, I explain the different business models that prevail in e-commerce and clarify how they differ from

EUTA Recommendations for the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) supports sustainable environmental consumption and the establishment of harmonised and European rules to this end. We endorse the objectives of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), which will set performance requirements for product groups including durability, reusability, upgradeability, and reparability.