The DMA is one year: EUTA publishes comments on gatekeepers’ compliance measures

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) has been created to eradicate anti-competitive practices of digital gatekeepers and reinstate a fair playing field within digital markets. One year after the DMA became applicable, the EUTA’s conclusion is that progress has been made but special attention needs to be placed on enforcement. In our paper, we express concerns […]
Getting EU Payment Rules Right: Six Essentials

The fast-paced world of digital transactions demands a regulatory landscape that evolves with it, and the recent European proposals concerning the Payment Services Regulation (PSR) and Payment Services Directive (PSD3) are emblematic of this dynamism. The European Parliament’s vote on PSD3 and PSR marks a significant step toward further advancing open banking and fostering competition […]
HelloWork Group joins the EUTA

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) continues to grow and welcomes HelloWork Group, the leading French employment, recruitment and training platform. HelloWork Group, founded in France (Rennes) in 2000, serves as a comprehensive support system for employees, companies, and recruitment agencies across various facets of human resources, recruitment and training challenges. With over 530 employees, HelloWork […]
EUTA meets with French officials in Paris

Over the last two days, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) engaged with French officials to unlock the full potential of European tech companies in Europe and globally!
EUTA met with officials responsible for Competition, Consumer Affairs, and Fraud Control (DGCCRF), Enterprises (DGE), and Treasury, as well as advisers to the French President, Prime Minister, and Digital Minister, along with French Deputy Paul Midy.
PWD: EUTA Statement following the EPSCO

Today, Ministers from EU member states exchanged on the future of platform workers and agreed on new rules. When it comes to the Directive on improving the working conditions in platform work, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA)’s aim is to enable European online services to flourish and for platform workers to have fair working conditions. […]
Protect consumers: Enforce EU standards and rules on all actors, including those of Asian origin

All EU and local rules – consumer protection, product safety, internal market, environmental, and market surveillance laws – should be applied consistently to all companies operating in Europe offering products or services to EU citizens, regardless of their origin.
The European Tech Alliance

Discover who is the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) in this one-pager. Promoting home-grown tech businesses is central to achieving the European Union’s (EU) wider goals. With the right conditions, our companies can strengthen Europe’s resilience and technological autonomy, protect and empower users online, and promote Europe’s values of transparency, rule of law and innovation to […]
Unlock EU tech leadership: EUTA CEOs ask to empower scale ups, enforce EU rules and complete the single market

BRUSSELS, 6 MARCH 2024 – The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has taken a significant step forward in its mission to unlock European tech leadership at home and beyond. During a two-day forum, fourteen European Tech CEOs convened with EU policymakers including Commissioners Breton, Reynders, and Schmit, as well as Directors General and Deputy Director General […]
EUTA calls for clear guidelines and a collaborative approach as the DSA starts applying

As the countdown to this weekend progresses, a key moment in Europe will take place: The Digital Services Act (DSA) – Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 – now applies to all providers of online services. This new EU legislation addresses the challenge of illegal content, products, or services on the Internet, with the objective of ensuring a […]
GDPR: EUTA provides feedback to the European Commission

Today, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) provided feedback to the European Commission on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In its contribution, EUTA mentioned that despite GDPR’s ambition to ensure a harmonised EU application, diverging interpretations by national data protection authorities across the EU create legal uncertainty. Companies face high costs in adapting to localised […]