Online platforms

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) fully supports the objectives to create greater trust for consumers and users online while enabling digital services to flourish. When developing new rules, EU policymakers should provide clarity and flexibility for different digital services to implement the rules in ways that make sense for their specific businesses.

Getting EU Payment Rules Right: Six Essentials

The fast-paced world of digital transactions demands a regulatory landscape that evolves with it, and the recent European proposals concerning the Payment Services Regulation (PSR) and Payment Services Directive (PSD3) are emblematic of this dynamism. The European Parliament’s vote on PSD3 and PSR marks a significant step toward further advancing

EUTA provides input on the DSA transparency report template

In its feedback on the European Commission’s Implementation Act on the transparency reporting obligations, EUTA invite the European Commission to (i) grant time for European companies’ compliance success, (ii) avoid excessive data requirements which are not required to meet the DSA’s objectives and would place a disproportionate burden on European platforms, (iii) align transparency reporting obligations with the statement of reasons database and (iv) recognise the varied legal definitions of illegal content across EU Member States.

eCommerce: Who is responsible for the information that consumers see online?

As consumers, we are all familiar with the challenges of knowing whether the information presented next to goods or services we want to buy is true.  Is this 100% organic  cotton t-shirt really organic? Is that aubergine pesticide-free? In today’s world, policymakers are working to shape the rules that determine

e-Commerce: Who do consumers buy from?

Getting confused about what a “platform” is when shopping online? With so many different players in the game, it’s no wonder that consumers and policymakers alike are struggling to keep up. In this blog, I explain the different business models that prevail in e-commerce and clarify how they differ from