
The success of European tech companies relies on European competitiveness. It is crucial to establish a fair level playing field that empowers European companies to grow and compete, coupled with robust and consistent enforcement of EU laws.

The DMA is one year: EUTA publishes comments on gatekeepers’ compliance measures

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) has been created to eradicate anti-competitive practices of digital gatekeepers and reinstate a fair playing field within digital markets.  One year after the DMA became applicable, the EUTA’s conclusion is that progress has been made but special attention needs to be placed on enforcement.   In

DMA countdown: EUTA urges gatekeepers to open dialogue with businesses

With only 50 days to the compliance deadline of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the European Tech Alliance along with 24 companies and 8 associations urge designated DMA gatekeepers to enter into a constructive dialogue with business users and other stakeholders, such as business and consumer associations, to ensure full DMA compliance as from 7 March 2024.

Position on the revision of Regulations 1/2003 and 773/2004

The EUTA and its members welcome the European Commission’s decision of updating Regulation 1/2003, which concerns the application of EU competition law, as well as Regulation 773/2004, which details EU procedural rules in antitrust investigations. The upcoming revision will contribute to adapting the almost 20 years old framework to make

Statement by the European Tech Alliance on the DMA

The EUTA welcomes the launch of the inter-institutional negotiations on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the ambitious legislative timetable put forward by the co-legislators. Achieving progress on the DMA is essential to promote competition, consumer choice and innovation in digital markets dominated by large gatekeepers. Once again, the EU

EUTA Position on the proposed DMA

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) welcomes the Digital Markets Act (DMA) as an important initiative to ensure fair and contestable digital markets. To this end, we believe it is essential for this new regulation to focus on a small number of systemic gatekeepers which enable businesses and consumers to interact,

DMA | EUTA Reaction to Commission’s Digital Markets Act proposal

The EUTA welcomes the Digital Markets Act (DMA) as an important initiative to ensure fair and contestable digital markets. We greatly appreciate the work undertaken by the European Commission over the last year, including consultations with industry representatives, and look forward to working with the European Parliament and Council on