Artificial intelligence

EU rules should leave enough room for EU tech companies to develop and use innovative AI models and systems to compete with global players. Accordingly, initiatives should be risk and problem-based, tailored to the business models and propose proportionate, workable and pragmatic solutions.

Just Eat joins the EUTA

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) continues to grow and welcomes Just Eat, a leading global online food delivery marketplace that connects consumers and restaurant and retail partners through its platform. 

Join EUTA: Policy Officer

Leading European tech companies and trade associations have issued a joint letter to EU policymakers, highlighting key concerns regarding the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. The signatories urge the European Commission to ensure that the Act’s secondary legislation supports Europe’s tech ecosystem, fosters innovation, and strengthens global competitiveness.

European Tech Industry Calls for Balanced AI Act Implementation to Support Innovation and Global Competitiveness

Leading European tech companies and trade associations have issued a joint letter to EU policymakers, highlighting key concerns regarding the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. The signatories urge the European Commission to ensure that the Act’s secondary legislation supports Europe’s tech ecosystem, fosters innovation, and strengthens global competitiveness.

EUTA submits input to the EU consultation on AI definitions and prohibitions

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) has provided its input to the European Commission’s consultation on AI definitions and prohibitions. EUTA emphasises the importance of a balanced, risk-based approach to AI governance that safeguards innovation, ensures legal clarity, and preserves the competitiveness of European companies.

EUTA Reacts to the AI Act Trilogue Agreement

European Union negotiators have reached a “provisional political agreement” on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). This compromise between the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Council of the European Union paves the way for formal adoption of the Regulation.  The AI Act will regulate the most risky artificial intelligence

Position Paper on the Artificial Intelligence Act Ahead of Trilogue Negotiations

The European Tech Alliance (EUTA) fully supports the Artificial Intelligence Act’s (AIA) objective of promoting artificial intelligence (AI) innovation while mitigating the negative impact of “highrisk AI”. EU tech companies should be encouraged to develop and use innovative AI models to compete with global players and foster EU competitiveness. Adopting

How European tech companies are leveraging the power of AI

Brussels, 29 September 2022 – The European Tech Alliance hosted with  MEP Dragoş Tudorache, co-rapporteur on the Artificial Intelligence Act a panel discussion on Artificial Intelligence on Thursday, 29 September 2022 from 15:30 to 18:00 in the European Parliament in Brussels. As European legislators continue to negotiate the upcoming Artificial