Digital Fairness: EUTA contribution to the European Commission’s Consultation

As the European Commission is assessing European Union (EU) consumer law on digital fairness, the European Tech Alliance (EUTA) very respectfully shares some recommendations through the European Commission’s consultation on EU consumer law on digital fairness.

We invite the European Commission to:  

  1. Apply targeted rules to companies interacting with EU consumers 
  2. Allow time for effective action and evaluation
  3. Provide guidance to address potential overlaps and conflicts between EU rules 
  4. Facilitate collaboration among Member States and favour harmonisation
  5. Enforce existing measures on misleading unfair practices, rather than create new requirements 

Read the full discussion paper here.

While we welcome the regular assessment of consumer protection rights, we believe that it would be premature to propose new EU rules. Before adding another layer to the already well equipped consumer acquis, EU policymakers should focus on better and more consistent enforcement of existing rules and allow time for these rules to take effect. Nevertheless, EU guidance would be welcomed in areas where EU rules overlap and/or conflict as this would also support a more coherent and uniform interpretation and enforcement of the rules across the EU.